Friday, October 29, 2010

My Vision

I think everybody has vision and a few goals they would like to achieve. Let me share some of mine.
The first and most important vision I have is to extend my stay in the USA. The first action in order to achieve it is to finish my degree. I plan to go and apply to as many positions I can in order to get a job. If I won't be able to achieve this goal I will do so by registering to graduate school and I plan to get a graduate   degree within a year and than try my best again.

My second goal is to achieve economic stability. The method of achieving it is somewhat equivalent to the actions in my first vision. When you have education it's the first step in inquiring economic stability. In addition I'm waiting to finish my degree in order to promote an internet website that can provide me long term stability when I will be able to find investors. As I said before what that stops me than going forward with my plans is the fact I have to graduate next summer in order to promote my first vision,so right now I'm taking six classes and that promotes both visions.

The last vision I have is to build a family but this is going to happened just after at least one of my first two visions are going to succeed. I have to know where I'm going to live before I do it or at least to have some money since I already have the significant other.

To conclude, I think all my visions are tied one with each other in some way that I must focus at one first in order to make the next one so whole the three can be described also as one vision:staying in the US, building economic stability and a family.


  1. Building economic stability is definitely important, to tie all the visions into real aspects of life. You are right that its really only one vision and all the rest are "sub visions". It will certainly be hard at points, but as we have seen in the video, we have to stay positive to be successful, and we have to know where we are going to get there.

  2. You have the right idea, getting a good education and obtaining degree are the most important things as you look for a job and eventually economic stability. Its seems like you have a positive outlook while also maintaining 6 classes and a job. Keep it up, you're almost there!!

  3. For someone who does not have a clue about their future, I think that you could be a really good role model for them. I'm sure taking 6 classes and working is very time consuming and it takes a lot of effort and dedication. Personally, if I were taking the same amount of classes as you and working, I'd be extremely stressed out!

  4. I admire your determination and strong will in completing your goals. As you mention you can't do one without the other is important to know that, everything in life has steps and procedures. You cant jump scales just because you want to. It seems to me that you have a strong vision of where you want to be, as long as you follow your steps, I think you will get there. Best of luck to you !!

  5. I have a lot of friends who are in similar situation and are struggling to stay here in US.I know how stressful it can be, but there are ways to achieve your goal! I hope you will be able to extend your stay. Maybe you even get the green card (lottery+other ways):)
    Good Luck!

  6. You really seem to be focused on what you are doing right now and on what you want to achieve.It is not easy at all to take a full load of classes and having a job. Just keep doing the best you can to get your degree and keep working your way up step by step as you said and you will get what you work for.

  7. I admire your goal to stay in the States. I have lost so many friends that could not extend there visa's. That being said they were slightly lazy actors that were overwhelmed by the system. I hope your pursuit will prosper for i feel stabilty in where one lives breeds confert and stabilty for the rest of ones life.

  8. You should definitely try to extend your stay in the U.S. Having an education is one of the most important things you could do for yourself and having more educated people contributes to the success of the country. Though the economy and the job market are not so great right now, I believe that staying in the U.S. will be able to provide you with many opportunities in the long-run (like your vision of economic stability).
