Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Egg Protector??

When we got the assignment to build the egg protector I think it took my group about 10 minutes just to figure out what can we do with 8 straws and how can it protect a falling egg.
After the initial shock we tried to pick a leader. Eventually we didn't officially assign a leader but it seems we all understood Justin must be the leader of our group. He was the only one who experienced this experiment before and therefore we thought he would be the right person. The dynamic between three members of the group was great but 2 acted like they are not willing to contribute. Justin as the leader tried to sketch something he thinks might work. I don't have any technical abilities and couldn't really visualize what the plan was but from the drawing it seems too complicated.
Justin accepted my comment and we decided to plan another one just in case we won't have time. We planned something really basic that even if we will be left with 3 minutes we will be able to get something done.
Overall, I think the planning process was good and the only think I would change is that we should have forced the two people to do something. Although I didn't stop bothering them with questions like :"do you think it can work?" or "do you have another idea?".  I can't believe they had nothing to say. I think we should have give them another paper and force them to come with some plan in 5 minutes, just that our idea generation will work better.
The execution part was ok, we tried our complicated design for the first 2 minutes we saw it is impossible to implement in 10 minutes so we moved to plan B.
In the execution part more than 3 people wasn't necessary. One handled the tape,one hold  the model and one just put everything together.
In conclusion, I think my group was fun to work with and we all listened to each other. No one forced is decision and we discussed every option thoroughly.The only thing that didn't work well was the alternative generation. With a group of five people we should have come up with at list 6-8 ideas but we came up only with two.  


  1. We had the same problem in my group two people weren't really engaging in brain storming ideas and plans. I also tried to ask them if they're liking the direction were headed with the design to get them talking but I didn't get much feedback as well. So What I found effective is designating roles to each person so everyone felt sort of involved and part of the team or group. We had one person to be the time keeper, one who was the note taker and etc. Once the execution part began, most of my group mates were lending a hand to finish the device.

  2. My group and I also had trouble with our original model. We had already shot down our alternative designs so we had to make do with the design we all agreed on. Within the first few minutes, we knew the design wasn't going to work so we altered it as we went along. We worked until the last seconds of the 10 minutes but we ended up with something that we thought could definitely prevent the egg from breaking. The egg still broke.
    For the execution, my group also didn't need many people to be making the model. We decided that it was to dangerous to pass the egg around from person to person so I ended up holding it while two people were making the model.

  3. Sorry about the "lazy" bunch! I think that it's disrespectful to the task and the rest of the group not to participate, but then again maybe they were just too shy to say anything. We did not have such experience, but I do understand your frustration. Next time join our group!

  4. I think it's good that you assigned a leader because that definitly makes things easier. My group didn't assign people jobs, but maybe if you guys had done that the people who weren't participating would have actually had to something. Overall i think you guys were pretty organized, and will be ready for such planning in future situations.
