Friday, October 29, 2010

My Vision

I think everybody has vision and a few goals they would like to achieve. Let me share some of mine.
The first and most important vision I have is to extend my stay in the USA. The first action in order to achieve it is to finish my degree. I plan to go and apply to as many positions I can in order to get a job. If I won't be able to achieve this goal I will do so by registering to graduate school and I plan to get a graduate   degree within a year and than try my best again.

My second goal is to achieve economic stability. The method of achieving it is somewhat equivalent to the actions in my first vision. When you have education it's the first step in inquiring economic stability. In addition I'm waiting to finish my degree in order to promote an internet website that can provide me long term stability when I will be able to find investors. As I said before what that stops me than going forward with my plans is the fact I have to graduate next summer in order to promote my first vision,so right now I'm taking six classes and that promotes both visions.

The last vision I have is to build a family but this is going to happened just after at least one of my first two visions are going to succeed. I have to know where I'm going to live before I do it or at least to have some money since I already have the significant other.

To conclude, I think all my visions are tied one with each other in some way that I must focus at one first in order to make the next one so whole the three can be described also as one vision:staying in the US, building economic stability and a family.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Fascinating Decision Making

Last week I was very surprised to discover we have the ability to control our grades.
I really think it was a great experience no matter what grade you got on the exam.
Regarding the decision making process I think that in the first 5-10 minutes the class was totally in shock. Once because the grades and once again from the idea that we all have to get a decision by ourselves. Things started to move on the right direction just afterwards. The first one who took control was Ed and it really saved the class. If no one would jump to manage the thing I don’t want to think about the result.

After the process started the first weakness I observed was that people didn’t understand what is suggested. Ed did a great job trying to give everybody communicate in respectful manner to share the idea but people didn’t understand the suggestion and that wasted our time. When looking back I think we should have spent 10 minutes in groups. After that choosing from each group a leader and the class should have count on them to do the right decision.

In regard to how I acted I think it wasn’t constant. In the beginning I really didn’t have any idea beside the curve so I think it started with avoidance. After a few minutes I had the idea to drop the lowest grade. I truly thought it would serve all the class equally since a person who failed will be able to delete this grade and move on. From the other side if someone did well, he can get a double reward. After I presented my idea and I saw people didn’t think it’s a good one because they didn’t understand, I was completely in competing to win mood.
After we agreed (at least most of us) on the “happy meal combo” and moved the discussion on the next exam I’ve changed to Accommodation since after the curve and the extra credit I thought people that failed should formulate the next exam the way they will succeed the best.

When looking back I think I should contribute more in navigating the class to move to work in groups and than try to identify the students that don’t understand the ideas and explain them the ideas slowly. In other words I would like to act more collaborative.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Egg Protector??

When we got the assignment to build the egg protector I think it took my group about 10 minutes just to figure out what can we do with 8 straws and how can it protect a falling egg.
After the initial shock we tried to pick a leader. Eventually we didn't officially assign a leader but it seems we all understood Justin must be the leader of our group. He was the only one who experienced this experiment before and therefore we thought he would be the right person. The dynamic between three members of the group was great but 2 acted like they are not willing to contribute. Justin as the leader tried to sketch something he thinks might work. I don't have any technical abilities and couldn't really visualize what the plan was but from the drawing it seems too complicated.
Justin accepted my comment and we decided to plan another one just in case we won't have time. We planned something really basic that even if we will be left with 3 minutes we will be able to get something done.
Overall, I think the planning process was good and the only think I would change is that we should have forced the two people to do something. Although I didn't stop bothering them with questions like :"do you think it can work?" or "do you have another idea?".  I can't believe they had nothing to say. I think we should have give them another paper and force them to come with some plan in 5 minutes, just that our idea generation will work better.
The execution part was ok, we tried our complicated design for the first 2 minutes we saw it is impossible to implement in 10 minutes so we moved to plan B.
In the execution part more than 3 people wasn't necessary. One handled the tape,one hold  the model and one just put everything together.
In conclusion, I think my group was fun to work with and we all listened to each other. No one forced is decision and we discussed every option thoroughly.The only thing that didn't work well was the alternative generation. With a group of five people we should have come up with at list 6-8 ideas but we came up only with two.